Financial Services Advisory

Financial Services Advisory

The financial services sector is highly regulated, and financial institutions often operate within a framework of laws and regulations designed to ensure stability, transparency, and consumer protection. Businesses must understand the terms and conditions of the financial services they use and, That’s where we come in with professional advice.

  1. We offer Banking related consultancy services for businesses.
  2. Import Export Trade service consultancy.
  3. Invoice Payments and FX.
  4. Payment Processing facilitating electronic transactions.

Bubi Alexander &  Co understands the importance of creating a strong and well implemented Accounts
Payable Process so that stakeholders get accurate and complete financial statements

Bubi Alexander & Co provides process oriented end to end Accounts Receivables solutions to the clients, which empowers them to focus on their core business.

Banking plays an important role in the financial life of a business, and the importance of banks can be seen from the fact that they are considered as to be the life-blood of modern economy

Bubi Alexander & Co provides an end-to-end support to its clients for completing the audit of accounts by Independent external agencies. We provide full support in resolving each and every query raised by auditors to their satisfaction.

Bubi Alexander & Co helps its clients in giving timely and accurate information on financial health of the company in the form of periodic MIS reports with detailed analyses with suggestive actions to implement.