Consultancy Services

Consultancy Service

Cashflow management

A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating and it can even kill your business.
The starting point for avoiding a cash crisis is to develop a cash flow projection for you. We can help you develop both short-term and long-term cash flow projections to help you develop the necessary capital strategy to meet your business needs.

We also prepare historical cash flow statements to help you gain an understanding of where all the money went.

Creating an accurate cash flow projection is just one of the many cash management services we provide. You also get…

  • Help to obtain an appropriate line of credit
  • Cash collection acceleration techniques
  • Proven effective collection policies
  • Proven effective payment policies
  • Help to obtain the maximum rate of return on your idle cash
Consultancy Service

Estate & Inheritance Planning

If you own a family business, retirement isn’t simply a matter of deciding not to go into the office anymore.

The family dynamic complicates the whole transition because of the relationships and emotions involved. Most people are not comfortable discussing topics such as aging, death, and financial affairs.

Succession planning should be a priority for any family business considering that more than seven out of ten family-owned businesses fail to survive the transition from founder to the second generation, typically falling prey either to estate taxes or family discord – or both.

Developing and implementing a well-designed succession plan is essential to the survival of a family business from one generation to the next.

Consultancy Service

More of our Consultancy Services:

  1. General Consultancy
  2. Feasibility studies
  3. HR Consulting
  4. IT consulting & software selection
  5. Organizational reviews & change management
  6. Performance efficiency
  7. Risk measurement & management
  8. Transfer pricing